
Tuesday 21 August 2012

Ganocelium (GL)

Ganocelium (GL) - is the mycelium of ganoderma lucidum. It supplies a whole spectrum of vitamins
and minerals supplement to our body. It serves as:
1. Brain tonic
2. Oxygen supplier
3. Basis for body growth

Contents of GL
1. Polysaccharides
2. Organic germanium
3. A whole spectrum of vitamins
4. A whole spectrum of minerals

Content of polysaccharide and organic germanium in ganocelium are four times more than that of

Strength of GL

1. Brain tonic
2. Enhance body resistance
3. Cleanse toxins in the body
4. Provide vitamins and minerals supply
5. Strengthens gastric and kidney functions

Brain tonic - The brain system is the body’s main nerve system. Oxygen enables the nerves to function. The high level of organic germanium in ganocelium helps the brain to function more effectively because it supplies adequate oxygen to the brain. When supplied with an optimum level of oxygen, the brain will become well-developed. Therefore, it is strongly recommended for children’s brain growth and development.

Nerve stabilization  - Veins and nerve disorder lead to hearing problem. Poor eyesight or kidney disorder. Ganocelium helps in the nerve stabilization.

Functions of polysaccharides

1. Help in preventing growth of abnormal cells and controlling their spread
2. Helps stabilize and strengthen body resistance system
3. Helps reduce sugar level in blood and revive pancreas function
4. Helps prevent cell tissues destruction
5. Helps discharge water soluble toxins
    Functions of organic germanium
1. Helps increase oxygen supply to blood system
2. Helps revive cell tissues by increasing oxygen supply to body organ
3. Helps relieve fatigue
4. Helps cleanse blood
5. Helps strengthen blood circulation
6. Helps increase body’s metabolism rate
7. Helps stabilize blood pressure
8. Helps stabilize electric function in the body
9. Helps eliminate electric energy around abnormal cells and turn abnormal    cells into normal cells.
10. Help patients to recover from stroke
11. Helps prevent numbness of hands and legs
12. Helps eliminate water soluble toxins